23 May 2024

Meet Lyle: Head Valeter and Children's Football Coach

Company News

Our Head Valeter at Lloyd Volvo Carlisle, Lyle Sneddon, is not only a busy man when he is here at Lloyd Motor Group, but also outside of work too. Lyle has taken on children’s football coaching with Annan Athletic in his spare time.

Lyle and his son at a football match

Lyle and his son, Keelan, at a football match recently.

To find out a bit more about Lyle and his football coaching, we asked him a few questions.

Firstly, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Well, I'm 47 and live with my partner Tracey and our son Keelan. I’ve worked at Lloyd Volvo Carlisle for almost 9 years as head valeter and thoroughly enjoy working for the company, especially because of their family ethos. I was one of the few staff members that worked during lockdown and helped to keep the business moving during the pandemic.

How long have you been coaching a children’s football team and what got you into it?

I’ve been coaching for the last year with Annan Athletic under 14's. My son started playing with Annan and I had been attended all his training sessions. The coaches all did an amazing job and after a while, the opportunity came up for me to join them, which I was more than happy about!

What do you enjoy most about coaching?

I enjoy coaching the kids and seeing them enjoy football. Helping them all learn and improve their skills is very rewarding and watching them make friends for life and friendships that exist outside of football is great.

Lyle's son with a trophy

Lyle’s son Keelan at a recent tournament coached by Lyle, holding a trophy that was presented to the team.

Lloyd Volvo Carlisle

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