23 May 2023

Lloyd Motor Group Support Ben Automotive Industry Charity

Company News

Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 - a week dedicated to helping people understand and prioritise their mental health, as well as helping tackle the stigma surrounding it.

As part of this important week, the team at Lloyd Motor Group have been raising awareness of Ben - Support for Life, a charity dedicated to supporting the people of the motor industry with their mental health. From anxiety and depression, to stress, money worries and trouble sleeping, Ben provide support to anyone who works or has worked in the automotive industry.

Ben have assisted some of our team by arranging counselling for anxiety and depression within a 3-week period, and have also provided financial support in certain situations. To give back and thank Ben for the support they’ve provided for us, staff at all of our sites came together last week to hold raffle fundraisers in support of Ben.


Each of our sites had a Ben charity teddy bear to give away, and staff members brought in their own prizes, too, ranging from bottles of bubbly, free PT sessions and a night’s stay at Close House. Lloyd South Lakes even had an afternoon off work up for grabs!

Staff at all of our sites came together to help spread awareness of the fantastic support and services that Ben provide. Together, the group raised a grand total of £3000 for a brilliant cause.

If you’re an employee of the automotive industry - past or present - Ben can help you and your family face the challenges life brings through their free and confidential health & wellbeing support. They'll seek to understand the challenges you’re facing and identify what’s affecting your health, wellbeing and quality of life. They can support you online, by telephone or in person, depending on what you choose or need.

Read more about how Ben can help here.

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