07 November 2023

25 Years at Carlisle Bodyshop for Taff

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25 years at Lloyd Bodyshop Carlisle

We recently caught up with Nigel ‘Taff’ Gordon who is celebrating an amazing 25 years at our Carlisle Bodyshop. We find out what his typical working day is like, where he started out and what he thinks of working in the motor industry.

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Tell us a bit about your career here at Lloyd. 25 years is an incredible achievement.

I have really enjoyed my 25 years here at Lloyd Bodyshop. The time has flown by and I’ve learned all aspects of the role. I think its safe to say that after 25 years I am very happy in my job!

Tell us a bit about your background.

I started working when I was just 16 for my dad at Gordons Coaches. I have also had an interest in repairing things so started out painting any scratches on the coaches. Once I passed my driving license, I went on to drive the coaches aswell.

What’s your favorite thing about your role?

There is no better job satisfaction than seeing the finished article on a repair you have done yourself.

What is the best advice you have ever been given? 

The best advice I have ever had is that ‘you are never too old to learn.’ It is so true.

Carlisle Bodyshop

What advice would you give to someone looking to start their career in the motor industry?

It is a fantastic industry to be in. There are always developments in technology and you are kept up to date with all the training you need. If you work hard you will have a job for life.

Talk us through a typical day in your role. 

First job of the day is normally prepping a car and then painting, polishing, and refitting. If all done its then out the door and then get another job in!

What does the future look like for Bodyshop technologies? 

We are very lucky at Lloyd Bodyshop to have state-of-the-art equipment to use. Whenever technology changes, we always keep up to date to make sure we deliver the best service we possibly can. Over the last 25 years I have seen a massive difference in Bodyshop technologies and I’m sure the next 25 years will be no different.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 

When not repairing cars I like to get outdoors and do a bit of cycling. Also like to play a few games of pool aswell.

What do you like about working for Lloyd Motor Group?

I’ve always found it rewarding working for Lloyd Motor Group, they have always looked after me.

If you could invite 5 people to a dinner party, dead or alive, who would it be?

Jack Grealish, Elvis Presley, My Mam, My Dad and my cousin Peter Merchant.

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